The design below is the logo testimonial version, use this as a template. To use it simply copy its 'section-main' and paste it in the required area (preferably the bottom of a project page). Remember to change the quote text, logo image and name & org.


'Your support has greatly contributed to the success of our work on the ground. The support package that we have been receiving from Refugee Action to help the most vulnerable migrants is equivalent to a mentoring scheme.'
'It’s so good to be involved with Refugee Action and have access to all the various resources. I attended the training this week re: good practice and advice, and picked up a lot from that too.'
'I have got so much from the wellbeing sessions. I've already organised a meeting to discuss our individual support and care needs within the organisation, and am confident that that will help to support us all better.'

The design below is a version of the testimonial with the name and org in the same container as the quote. Instructions for use are mentioned in the above section.


'Your support has greatly contributed to the success of our work on the ground. The support package that we have been receiving from Refugee Action to help the most vulnerable migrants is equivalent to a mentoring scheme.'
- Ake Achi, Migrants At Work
'It’s so good to be involved with Refugee Action and have access to all the various resources. I attended the training this week re: good practice and advice, and picked up a lot from that too.'
- Maria, SWAP
'I have got so much from the wellbeing sessions. I've already organised a meeting to discuss our individual support and care needs within the organisation, and am confident that that will help to support us all better.'
– Manager, RAP funded organisation

The design below is the version of the testimonial which is being currently used on the pages which have quotes provided for (see Lizzies document to find out).


'Your support has greatly contributed to the success of our work on the ground. The support package that we have been receiving from Refugee Action to help the most vulnerable migrants is equivalent to a mentoring scheme.'
'It’s so good to be involved with Refugee Action and have access to all the various resources. I attended the training this week re: good practice and advice, and picked up a lot from that too.'
'I have got so much from the wellbeing sessions. I've already organised a meeting to discuss our individual support and care needs within the organisation, and am confident that that will help to support us all better.'