Design Hops: Understanding User Needs

A design hop is the first practical step into exploring the role of digital in charities’ services.

What will you do?

About Design Hops

There is a direct link between digital exclusion and poverty, and evidence shows that  the digital gap is widening.  Therefore it’s vital that the refugee and migrant sector think hard and act to ensure digital inclusion. Building organisations’ human centred design and digital skills is key to this.  As is ensuring that when we design services and solutions, we centre them around the needs of those that use the services. 

Here’s an article about how Hops have helped past attendees which gives an insight into how it has helped organisations.

How long is a Design Hop

The Hop is taught over 6 weeks: 

  • 3 group sessions on Zoom, with a 3 week gap for user research
  • Online learning modules
  • Practical activities in between each group session

We recommend participants set aside around 1-2 days for Hop sessions and activities over the six-week period.

When is the Design Hop

The Hop group sessions take place on the following dates: 

  • Wednesday 5th October – 11:00-12:30pm
  • Wednesday 12th October – 11:00-12:30pm
  • Wednesday 9th November – 11:00-12:30pm

Sign up to a Design Hop

The course is free to join but there will be a limit of 18 places. We will prioritise applications from organisations led by Experts by Experience/ those with lived experience of immigration control and small- medium sized organisations. 

Please get in touch if you are interested but have barriers to being able to get involved - we have a small budget which can support with this.

Sign up to a free Design Hop. You will be directed to a form managed by CAST, our Design Hop delivery partner.

Sign up to a Design Hop

Get in touch

For questions about Design Hops, please contact Pascale at Refugee Action.

Email Pascale