GM Step Change Consortium 

A 3.5 year programme connecting 10 asylum support charities and an Experts by Experience group across Greater Manchester (GM). Aiming to develop a joined-up, sustainable ecosystem of support for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Four focus areas

Place based support across Greater Manchester

An essential part of our work to ensure equitable access to support across the GM region is the provision of ‘hubs’ in each borough that provides people seeking asylum the support they need, in the local area where they live. These hubs are delivered by, or in partnership with local organisation and we meet regularly as hub leads to ensure the support provided by hubs aligns with our ‘minimum offer of support.’

Specialist support and activity provision across Greater Manchester

In addition to ensuring place based support services, the consortium is working to develop the quality and reach of service delivery across the region on thematic areas including legal advice, housing and destitution, asylum support rights and activities to connect people with the people community.

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Development of the asylum sector

As a sector, we want to increase our collaborative working and capacity to provide sustainable and high quality services. Through a collaborative process with asylum support organisations and those with lived experience of the system, we have developed 13 priority areas to focus on. These include areas such as addressing hate crime, employability support, digital inclusion and support for staff/volunteers in the sector. All projects are led by consortium members with best practice experience in these areas.

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Voice and influence

This part of the programme aims to ensure that people seeking asylum, refugees and the organisations that support them have a strengthened collective voice, to ensure that decision makers understand their priorities and to influence change. This part of our work is led by Asylum Matters, working alongside the Consortium Experts by Experience group, the Step Change Coordinator, and partners within and outside the Consortium. 


Refugee Action logoManchester City of Sanctuary Logo


As a consortium we believe that people with lived experience of migration should be at the heart of service design and delivery, campaigns for change and the development of the asylum support sector.

We work closely with a group of 12 members, coordinated by MRSN to advise, steer and influence the consortium's programmatic work as well as participating in advocacy on issues to advocate on issues affecting asylum seekers and refugees across Greater Manchester.

News & Updates

EAR Updates


Pascale Gayford

Partnerships Manager - Insight and Development

Based in Leeds and Bradford with national remit

Monica Reeves

Greater Manchester Step Change Programme Coordinator


Lizzie Hobbs

Frontline Immigration Advice Project & Step Change Administrator

Based in Manchester with national remit

Get involved

To get involved, please email Monica, our Programme Manager.

Email Monica